What is our website’s address?
The address of our website is https://keydifferences.com/
What data do we store?
Any comment made by the visitor on ‘Key Differences’ lets the website to store data, such as name, email ID, website, as well as the visitors IP address and browser user agent string with the aim of spam detection.
Akismet- an automated spam detection service is used by us to verify the visitor’s comments. The anonymised string or hash generated by your email address may be issued to Akismet.
The website stores the comment of the reader and its metadata for an indeterminate term, assisting us in identifying and approving any of their follow-up comment automatically, instead of keeping them in moderation.
Contact Us
As you write the ‘Contact Us’ form, we record your personal information. The user can ask us to delete any of this data that we keep with us. Nevertheless, this does not include any information which we are obligated to record for administrative, legal or security reasons.
When you comment on the website, you might have seen an option to save your details such as name, email and website in cookies to escape filling these again in future, when you add comment the next time.
Google AdSense uses these cookies of the visitors coming to the site, for better advertising. The typical uses of these cookies include –target advertising depending on relevancy to the visitor, advance reporting on campaign performance and avoid displaying the advertisements which are already seen by the visitor.
Cookies, as such, do not carry any personally identifiable information. Based on the publisher’s and user’s settings, information concerned with cookies used in advertising can be annexed to the user’s Google Account.
‘Key Differences use Google Analytics tool’. Google gathers and stores the personal details of the users to serve them in a better way by detecting their preferred language and interest zone when they come they visit our website.
The information of the user identified by Google also includes his/her IP address, browser, geographical location, application, and device, i.e. mobile or desktop used while going through the website.
‘Key Differences’ can use the personal information of the user for the legitimate business interest which can be website promotion, market research and analysis, making provisions and improvements.
Internet-Based Advertising
Google AdSense is our foremost source of monetization. Google AdSense gathers, saves and uses data whenever a visitor browses through ‘Key Differences’. It also uses the particulars regarding the device, i.e. computer, tablet, phablet, mobile, etc. via which the user access the website.
This information includes:
- Technical Information, such as Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser used, Internet Service Provider (ISP), geographical location, device identifier, operating system and platform, and browser plug-in types and versions;
- Information regarding the user’s visit and website use, which covers complete Uniform Resource Locators (URL), clickstream to, through and from our website, referral source/exit pages, pages viewed and searched for, length of visits to specific pages, page response time, page interaction information (like scrolling, clicks and mouse-overs) and website navigation.
‘Key Differences’ may use Internet-based advertising services, otherwise known as “remarketing” or “retargeting” provided by the third-party vendor, i.e. Google to show ads of third-party sites and social media platform that a user of our website visits. The third party vendor uses cookies, pixels or tokens as unique identifiers of an installed browser on the system, when the user goes through our website, to present ads as per the computer’s previous access to our site.
A user can relinquish from Google’s use of cookies with the help of the Google Ads Settings. A user can also get rid of remarketing the vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative’s consumer opt-out page.
For additional information, including instructions about how to block such cookies, please visit – https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/181881
Data Sharing and Protection
Whom we share your data with?
‘Key Differences’ share the sensitive personal details of the user to any third party, without getting his/her prior approval only when it is requested or required by law or by any court or government agency or authority to disclose, for – verification of identity, or prevention, detection, investigation including cyber-crimes or for prosecutions and punishment of offence.
The disclosures are made in good faith and belief that the preceding declaration is essential to put in force these terms, to adhere to the applicable laws and regulations.
How do we protect your data?
External server capacities are used by us to save our data and to operate our systems. Personal data is kept at this external location, and the safety and privacy are stated in a confidential contract with the host organization. ‘Key Differences’ does not sell the user’s personal data to any third party.
Updating of Privacy Policy
‘Key Differences’ will update this statement of Privacy at periodical intervals to better reflect the website policies and user’s feedback. We suggest you review the privacy policy occasionally to be well informed about the protection of your data.